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Land Aquisition Services

New residential construction is key to reducing the housing shortage.  Lots for residential building vary in terms of quality for price, attributes and marketability.  We have a tool to help you assess on a quantitative basis.

Proposed Properties LLC has created a proprietary scoring tool to assess quantitatively individual lots as a stand alone or pool basis.  Our model is based on a 1000 point scale whereby scores reflect quality for building or simply investing.  Example–a 850 score reflects high desirability compared to 580 score reflecting poor factors in the buy decision.

This model was created by an experienced analytics leader in financial services, a technologist who was a field geologist, and one of the top industry housing real estate professionals in the country.

Please contact us for a discussion or demo to help you expand your business.

We Are Committed to helping our partners attain spectacular results.

  • An unmatched analytic approach to scoring land investment and utilization quality.  If you are a builder or an investor looking for insight into potential land acquisitions, Lot Quality EKGTM brings insight to compare relative value in a simple understandable format.

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Local Expertice

Partner with local real estate experts for pricing and marketability evaluation


Data Driven Output

Real science behind the numbers


Constantly improving

Scoring based on real data attributies

Our team of experts

With decades of proven experience, our team is prepared to help you achieve your goals, and beyond.

our Team

Consisting of top 100 real estate professionals, residential builders and geoscienties, our team understands, markets, fulfiment requirements and data to deliver real informaiton.

Thought Leadership

Our leadership team has developed models for world-leading Fortune 100 companies.

Meet Our Team

Paul Imura

Chief Scorecard Architect

Emily Armstrong

Market expert

Jeffrey Cook

Data Scientist

ready to compare your locations?

Contact Proposed Properties for more information on our Lot Quality EKG ScoreTM and what it can do for your business.

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